Smart values

Smart values

In some post functions you can use tags that will be replaced with the Jira issue values. For example:

Smart value


Smart value



The issue key


The project key


The issue summary


The value of the custom field with id 10061

The JSON representation of the issue is used to create the smart values for a given issue. You can check the JSON issue representation writting this in your browser: https://{yoursite}.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/{issueKey}

For example, using that we can see in the JSON the following field information:

{ "expand": "...", "id": "1000", "self": "https://xyz.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/1000", "key": "ABC-100", "fields": { "customfield_10235": { "self": "https://xyz.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/customFieldOption/10511", "value": "Open", "id": "10511" } } }

So if we want to get the value of the field customfield_10235 we need to access it in this fashion:


This will return “Open”.