How to install this app

Install from the Universal Plugin Manager

  1. Login with a JIRA administrator account in your JIRA instance.

  2. Go to JIRA and click the 

     from the top menu and choose Manage apps
    >> The Manage apps screen loads.

  3. Select Find new app from the left-hand menu.

  4. Locate Workflow Magic Box via search.
    >> Results include add-on versions compatible with your JIRA instance. You will not find the add-on if your JIRA version is not supported.

  5. Click Install to download and install your add-on.

  6. Add your licence key in the shown licence textbox and click OK.
    >> Alternatively, you can get a trial pressing the 'Free trial' button.

  7. You're all set!

Alternative: Download Workflow Magic Box from Atlassian Marketplace

  1. Download Workflow Magic Box from the Atlassian Marketplace.

  2. Login with a JIRA administrator account in your JIRA instance.

  3. Click the 

     from the top menu and choose Add-ons
    >> The Manage add-ons screen loads.

  4. Select Manage Add-onsfrom the left-hand side of the page.

  5. Click Upload Add-on in the Universal Plugin Manager screen.

  6. Locate the Workflow Magic Box jar you downloaded in the first step upload it.

  7. Add your licence key in the shown licence textbox and click OK
    >> Alternatively, you can get a trial pressing the 'Free trial' button.

  8. You're all set!