Once you have created an Issue Type Notification Template Schemes, you are able to assign this scheme to a project. To do that, go to the admin project page and click in the new 'Notification Templates' that you will find in the left side of the page.
If everything was ok, you will see an screen like this:
Here you simple have to assign, an Issue Type Notification Template and a Notification Scheme to a project, the Notification Scheme will be responsible for determining what people will be notified, whereas the issue type notificatin scheme will determine what template the notification will use for each type of user (licensed user, unlicensed user or external user)
Tha's the end of this process, now you are able to use TemplateMe!
NOTE: When you switch ON template me! JIRA notification stops working, it ocurrs the same if you set again a notification scheme to the project, TemplateMe! will be turned off automatically.